Monday, December 21, 2009
How to get Huntail and Gorebyss
For this cheat you need to dive underwater. Go into underwater grass and catch a clamperl(water).Then go to the Abandoned Ship inbetween Dewford and Slateport. You will need to dive again, after finding water in a room. Follow the path until light filters from above. You will appear in a hall with 6 rooms. Some are locked. When you enter a room, you'll notice sparkles, which disappear after a couple seconds. Stand next to where a sparkle was and face it. Click A to check it out. Some will be shiny trash, some will be items, and some will be keys to the locked rooms. Eventually, there will be a scanner in a room. Dive back down and explore the ship until you get to the top, where a guy is looking for the scanner. He tells you to take it to Captain Stern in Slateport. Go to Captain Stern and give him the scanner. He will let you choose a reward, either deep sea tooth, or deep sea scale. If you pick the scale,give it to Clamperl, and link trade it, it will evolve into Gorebyss, a beautiful pink eel! If you pick deep sea tooth, give it to Clamperl, and link trade it, it will evolve into Huntail, a vicious, powerful blue eel! (I personally prefer Huntail)
How to get heaps of ashes
OK, so, if you have the Soot Sack to carry ashes in for the guy in the Glass Workshop on route 131, there is a much easier way to get ashes rather then running around, finding all of these pokemon (like Spinda) that you already have or don't want and then waiting for ages while the grass turns grey again. What you could do though, is get a couple of Repels (any Repel will do, I use Max Repel because you don't have to use that many), run around in the grass until all of the grass has turned green, then go to the glass workshop and talk to the guy there who will ask you what you would like him to make for you.
Blue Flute
Yellow Flute
Red Flute
White Flute
Black Flute
Pretty Chair
Pretty Desk
Choose what you want and if you want an item that you don't have enough ashes for then go outside and CHECK IT OUT! The grass should all be grey again and if you use up your Repel, just use it again and just keep running around the grass and going to the Glass Workshop until you get enough ashes for your dream item or you just get bored.
Hope it works! It did for me.
Blue Flute
Yellow Flute
Red Flute
White Flute
Black Flute
Pretty Chair
Pretty Desk
Choose what you want and if you want an item that you don't have enough ashes for then go outside and CHECK IT OUT! The grass should all be grey again and if you use up your Repel, just use it again and just keep running around the grass and going to the Glass Workshop until you get enough ashes for your dream item or you just get bored.
Hope it works! It did for me.
How to get berries 31-35
Talk to the Berry Master's wife, and tell her these codes to get the following berries:
31. Spelon: GREAT BATTLE
34. Durin: COOL LATIOS
31. Spelon: GREAT BATTLE
34. Durin: COOL LATIOS
Hold Items
i will tell you the Pokemon that hold items, and what they hold. And if you don't believe me, its really true. Its really helpful cause they hold rare items. 1 more thing. They will ONLY HOLD THESE ITEMS VERY RARELY. You might be lucky!!
Geodude: Everstone
Skitty: Leppa Berry
Kecleon: Chesto Berry
Shuppet: Spell Tag
Girafarig: Persim Berry
Abra: Twistedspoon
Magnemite: Metal Coat
Gulpin: Big Pearl
Aron: Hard Stone
Lairon: Hard Stone
Whismur: Chesto Berry
Graveler: Everstone
Corsola: Red Shard
Cacnea: Poison Barb
Dusclops: Spell Tag
Sandshrew: Quick Claw
Relicanth: Green Shard
Zigzagoon: Oran Berry
Banette: Spell Tag
Solrock: Sun Stone
Horsea: Dragon Scale
Bagon: Dragon Scale
Chinchou: Yellow Shard
Doduo: Sharp Beak
Dodrio: Sharp Beak
Koffing: Smoke Ball
Loudred: Chesto Berry
Numel: Rawst Berry
Trapinch: Soft Sand
Clamperl: Blue Shard
Spinda: Chesto Berry
Hariyama: King's Rock
Pikachu: Oran Berry OR Light Ball
Staryu: Stardust OR Star Piece
Grimer: Nugget
Poocheyana: Pecha Berry
Linoone: Oran Berry OR Sitrus Berry
Duskull; Spell Tag
Luvdisc: Heart Scale
Lunatone: Moon Stone
Magneton: Metal Coat
Vulpix: Rawst Berry
Roselia: Poison Barb
Well thats all of them. When you catch one of those Pokemon don't expect to find that they're holding an item. U should catch a lot of the same type of Pokemon then check if any of them have that item. Good Luck!!!
Geodude: Everstone
Skitty: Leppa Berry
Kecleon: Chesto Berry
Shuppet: Spell Tag
Girafarig: Persim Berry
Abra: Twistedspoon
Magnemite: Metal Coat
Gulpin: Big Pearl
Aron: Hard Stone
Lairon: Hard Stone
Whismur: Chesto Berry
Graveler: Everstone
Corsola: Red Shard
Cacnea: Poison Barb
Dusclops: Spell Tag
Sandshrew: Quick Claw
Relicanth: Green Shard
Zigzagoon: Oran Berry
Banette: Spell Tag
Solrock: Sun Stone
Horsea: Dragon Scale
Bagon: Dragon Scale
Chinchou: Yellow Shard
Doduo: Sharp Beak
Dodrio: Sharp Beak
Koffing: Smoke Ball
Loudred: Chesto Berry
Numel: Rawst Berry
Trapinch: Soft Sand
Clamperl: Blue Shard
Spinda: Chesto Berry
Hariyama: King's Rock
Pikachu: Oran Berry OR Light Ball
Staryu: Stardust OR Star Piece
Grimer: Nugget
Poocheyana: Pecha Berry
Linoone: Oran Berry OR Sitrus Berry
Duskull; Spell Tag
Luvdisc: Heart Scale
Lunatone: Moon Stone
Magneton: Metal Coat
Vulpix: Rawst Berry
Roselia: Poison Barb
Well thats all of them. When you catch one of those Pokemon don't expect to find that they're holding an item. U should catch a lot of the same type of Pokemon then check if any of them have that item. Good Luck!!!
HM List
HM01 - Cut: Cuts down trees outside of battle.
Location: Cutter's House in Rustburo City.(next to the pokemon center)
HM02 - Fly: Flys you to other cities outside of battle.
Location: Route 119(after you beat may)
HM03 - Surf: Lets you swim through water to get to other areas.
Location: Petalburg City(in wally's house)
HM04 - Strength: Moves big boulders.
Location: Rusturf Tunnel.
HM05 - Flash: Lights up dark caves.
Location: Granite Cave.
HM06 - Rock Smash: Smashes rocks that may be in the way.
Location: Mauville City.
HM07 - Waterfall: Allows you to climb up waterfalls.
Location: Cave of Origin.
HM08 - Dive: Allows you to go underwater.
Location: Steven's house in Mossdeep City.
Location: Cutter's House in Rustburo City.(next to the pokemon center)
HM02 - Fly: Flys you to other cities outside of battle.
Location: Route 119(after you beat may)
HM03 - Surf: Lets you swim through water to get to other areas.
Location: Petalburg City(in wally's house)
HM04 - Strength: Moves big boulders.
Location: Rusturf Tunnel.
HM05 - Flash: Lights up dark caves.
Location: Granite Cave.
HM06 - Rock Smash: Smashes rocks that may be in the way.
Location: Mauville City.
HM07 - Waterfall: Allows you to climb up waterfalls.
Location: Cave of Origin.
HM08 - Dive: Allows you to go underwater.
Location: Steven's house in Mossdeep City.
Good Items in the Beginning of the game
If you're near the start of the game then this can really help you get some good items.
First, catch a Zigzagoon. Its special ability is 'pickup' so when it's in your party it can pick up items when you're walking around.
I caught one in the grass by Little Root Town and in less than an hour I got 2 ultra balls, 3 revives, 2 super potions, some berries and a few other items.
If thats not enough, then you get a whole team of Zigzagoon in your party and they will pickup loads of items.
First, catch a Zigzagoon. Its special ability is 'pickup' so when it's in your party it can pick up items when you're walking around.
I caught one in the grass by Little Root Town and in less than an hour I got 2 ultra balls, 3 revives, 2 super potions, some berries and a few other items.
If thats not enough, then you get a whole team of Zigzagoon in your party and they will pickup loads of items.
Get A Crystal Statue For your Secret Base!
In order to get the crystal statue it requires you to not only win all Master Rank Conest in LilyCove, but you have to get to where an Artist paints a picture of your pokemon and sends it to the Museum of Art. On the Second Floor of the Museum, There are five walls with five different color linings for paintings: Red, Blue, Pink, Green, Yellow. Once those walls are cover, each with a painting of a contect winning pokemon of yours, The curator will offer you a statue as a gift and is send to your PC. (To be honest it looks like and anctient sculpture of articuno or pidgeot and like the statues at the entrance of the museum. Good Luck.
double money
After you battle May for the third time she will tell you to go see your mom after she gives you HM2 fly to littleroot and talk to your mom she will give you the AMULET COIN equip this to your first pokemon defeat a trainer in battle and get twice the money you would normally get.
The Amulet Coin can be obtained as soon as you defeat Norman.
The Amulet Coin can be obtained as soon as you defeat Norman.
Check your surroundings!!!
Sometimes things, such as certain rocks, contain items!!! Some sea rocks have items in them, and so do some brown rocks(don't be foolled, none in the safari zone have any). Some even have max revives and rare candies!!! Use you item finder more often!!!
Berry Master's Wife Likes Sweet Phrases!
When you are in Mauville city, cross the river on the route next to this city (with a beach). Go through both patches of grass and enter the Berry Master's house. Talk to his wife and tell her "Challenge Contest" (you can only do that after beating the elite 4) and she will give you a Pamtre berry. Go to Lilycove city and enter the contest hall. You can make an Indigo level 50 pokeblock there with 3 other people in the game without linking up! By the way, indigo level 50 pokeblocks will make a pokemon's beauty attribute VERY high, and it will be easy for you to win a beauty contest.
Beating the Master Rank Beauty Contest
To beat the Master Rank Beauty Contest easily, use a Milotic with full beauty(by using blue pokeblocks) and holding a blue scarf.
For it's moves use:
Rain Dance
Ice beam
and during the contest use them in this order:
1st Rain Dance, 2nd Surf, 3rd Hail, 4th Ice beam, 5th Surf
For it's moves use:
Rain Dance
Ice beam
and during the contest use them in this order:
1st Rain Dance, 2nd Surf, 3rd Hail, 4th Ice beam, 5th Surf
bagon + hydro pump
Did you know that bagon can learn hydro pump oh yes.But you must have a female bagon and a male gyaradfos that knows hydro pump.put them in the day care go round come back. hatch the egg and wola you have a bagon well should that knows hydro pump.
All three starters
This requires 2 game versions of Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald. They can be 2 different versions. Start a game. Choose any of the 3 starters. Go through the normal steps. Defeat your rival. Catch any other pokemon. Trade your starter to the other version. Then do it again, but with a different starter. Then do it one more time. Choose the last starter. Defeat your rival and then catch any 2 pokemon.Trade those 2 pokemon for the other starters on the other versions, and tadaa! All three starters. It also allows you to collect trainer ID's for the Lilycove Department store's lottery. This works for pretty much any pokemon game as long as you use the proper game to trade to.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
level 100 on 2 pokemon in a week!!!
Before you start doing this progress, you really need the GBA SP to make this work and you should make sure that your pokemon’s are full evolved(unless you want every single type on level 100) and I highly recommend having 20,000 money.
part one: choose which pokemon you want to lv. 100 (works better on pokemon’s with low exp need)
part two: take the two pokemons to the day care center west of mauville city (when you see a man standing by a fence with a garden with pokemon’s behind, talk to the lady who is standing behind the desk)
part three: deposit the 2 pokemon’s you want to get lv 100
part four: get the acro bike and then go to the desert north of mauville (you must have beaten fourth gym and have the hm. rock smash) and go to the sandslide in just by the northern exit.
part five: put the recharger in the GBA SP, equip your acro bike, then find a way to press upward on the directional buttons, dont bring ANY eggs, it will spoil everything. then when your character desperately is trying to bike up the sandslide but fails on every try, turn the sounds off, turn off the lights on the GBA SP then leave the room and make sure nobody even TOUCH your gameboy, it could spoil absolutely everything.
*this is your biggest break you will have when you are in a middle of a I-CANT-STOP-PLAYING-POKEMON period*
part six: after everything is set you must wait a week to play P R/S. its hard if you are a pokemon freak. you should take the recharger in and out once a day in this progress
part seven: when the week has passed and your character have desperately biking up a sandslide for over 150 hours its finally time to go back to the daycare center, bring 20000 money, make space for 2 pokemons more, and take back those pokemons. They should both now be at level 100.
part one: choose which pokemon you want to lv. 100 (works better on pokemon’s with low exp need)
part two: take the two pokemons to the day care center west of mauville city (when you see a man standing by a fence with a garden with pokemon’s behind, talk to the lady who is standing behind the desk)
part three: deposit the 2 pokemon’s you want to get lv 100
part four: get the acro bike and then go to the desert north of mauville (you must have beaten fourth gym and have the hm. rock smash) and go to the sandslide in just by the northern exit.
part five: put the recharger in the GBA SP, equip your acro bike, then find a way to press upward on the directional buttons, dont bring ANY eggs, it will spoil everything. then when your character desperately is trying to bike up the sandslide but fails on every try, turn the sounds off, turn off the lights on the GBA SP then leave the room and make sure nobody even TOUCH your gameboy, it could spoil absolutely everything.
*this is your biggest break you will have when you are in a middle of a I-CANT-STOP-PLAYING-POKEMON period*
part six: after everything is set you must wait a week to play P R/S. its hard if you are a pokemon freak. you should take the recharger in and out once a day in this progress
part seven: when the week has passed and your character have desperately biking up a sandslide for over 150 hours its finally time to go back to the daycare center, bring 20000 money, make space for 2 pokemons more, and take back those pokemons. They should both now be at level 100.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Heart Scale Bonanza
There are a lot of heart scales in the beach southern of Slateport City. You Might Want to use an Itemfinder or something like that. Also When you catch a Luvdisc THere is A high chance that it will be holding a heart scale.
Feebas Milotic Creation
Feebas is a fish with holes all through it but it is cool cause it evolves into Milotic, a super-strong water Pokemon. To get a feebas go to route 119. Along this entire route is a river. This is where you find Feebas.
To save you time, do not surf (you'll never find it). Only six river tiles will hold Feebas. These tiles are always random, but will only change if you change the "trendy saying" in Dewford City. Use a fishing rod, and fish a few pokemon from each map tile until you get an idea which one has Feebas.
Feebas learns only Splash, Tackle and Flail, and its stats hardly change. Before you can get your Feebas to evolve to Milotec, you must have the right nature.
The best natures are Quiet, Rash, Modest or Mild but any other nature will wor except for Adamant, Careful or Impish. The reason it needs a compatible nature is because it evolves through Pokeblocks. You must feed your feebas as many blue or indigo Pokeblocks as it can eat to max out its beauty level. Its beauty must be at level 170 or else it won't evolve. Once you have maxed out this, simply raise it one level and you have your Milotic. The best way to take advantage of a Milotic is to catch a male and female feebas and have them breed to get an egg. Hatch and evolve.
The berries that will get the blue and indigo Pokeblocks are:
Blue: Chesto, Oran and Wiki Indigo: Lum, Bluk, Wepear, Kelpsey, Hondew, Cornn and Pamtre.
A Feebas learns these moves: Splash Lvl 5
Tackle Lvl 15 Flail Lvl 30
A Milotic learns these moves: Water Gun Lvl 1 Wrap Lvl 5 Water Sport Lvl 10 Refresh Lvl 15 Water Pulse Lvl 20 Twister Lvl 25 Recover Lvl 30 Rain Dance Lvl 35 Hydro Pump Lvl 40 Attract Lvl 45 Safeguard Lvl 50
To save you time, do not surf (you'll never find it). Only six river tiles will hold Feebas. These tiles are always random, but will only change if you change the "trendy saying" in Dewford City. Use a fishing rod, and fish a few pokemon from each map tile until you get an idea which one has Feebas.
Feebas learns only Splash, Tackle and Flail, and its stats hardly change. Before you can get your Feebas to evolve to Milotec, you must have the right nature.
The best natures are Quiet, Rash, Modest or Mild but any other nature will wor except for Adamant, Careful or Impish. The reason it needs a compatible nature is because it evolves through Pokeblocks. You must feed your feebas as many blue or indigo Pokeblocks as it can eat to max out its beauty level. Its beauty must be at level 170 or else it won't evolve. Once you have maxed out this, simply raise it one level and you have your Milotic. The best way to take advantage of a Milotic is to catch a male and female feebas and have them breed to get an egg. Hatch and evolve.
The berries that will get the blue and indigo Pokeblocks are:
Blue: Chesto, Oran and Wiki Indigo: Lum, Bluk, Wepear, Kelpsey, Hondew, Cornn and Pamtre.
A Feebas learns these moves: Splash Lvl 5
Tackle Lvl 15 Flail Lvl 30
A Milotic learns these moves: Water Gun Lvl 1 Wrap Lvl 5 Water Sport Lvl 10 Refresh Lvl 15 Water Pulse Lvl 20 Twister Lvl 25 Recover Lvl 30 Rain Dance Lvl 35 Hydro Pump Lvl 40 Attract Lvl 45 Safeguard Lvl 50
Lottery Ticket Save/Load Exploit
Go to the Lilycove counter, save the game and expire the rest of the (real) day with pokemon in hand or a stowage box. Proceed to play the lottery and check to see if the numbers on hte lottery match any of your pokemon's original (not current) trainer ID numbers. If not, you reset and reload the save.
Otherwise, the number of lottery digits matching your pokemon trainer IDs grabs you a prize depending on the matches: 3rd Prize (2 Correct Digits) - ooo## = PP up 2nd Prize (3 Correct Digits) - oo### = Exp. Share 1st Prize (4 Correct Digits) - o#### = Max Revive Big Prize (5 Correct Digits) - ##### = Master ball
Of course the more trainer ID's you have ( Gotten by trading pokemon you caught for ones other players have caught) the more likely you will get and faster you will get the masterball Prize). This is of course, the non-glitch method of gaining PP and master balls.
Otherwise, the number of lottery digits matching your pokemon trainer IDs grabs you a prize depending on the matches: 3rd Prize (2 Correct Digits) - ooo## = PP up 2nd Prize (3 Correct Digits) - oo### = Exp. Share 1st Prize (4 Correct Digits) - o#### = Max Revive Big Prize (5 Correct Digits) - ##### = Master ball
Of course the more trainer ID's you have ( Gotten by trading pokemon you caught for ones other players have caught) the more likely you will get and faster you will get the masterball Prize). This is of course, the non-glitch method of gaining PP and master balls.
Here's a list of all the berries
1. Cheri Berry
2. Chesto Berry
3. Pecha Berry
4. Rawst Berry
5. Aspear Berry
6. Leppa Berry
7. Oran Berry
8. Persim Berry
9. Lum Berry
10. Sitrus Berry
11. Figy Berry
12. Wiki Berry
13. Mago Berry
14. Aguav Berry
15. Iapapa Berry
16. Razz Berry
17. Bluk Berry
18. Nanab Berry
19. Wepear Berry
20. Pinap Berry
21. Pomeg Berry
22. Kelpsy Berry
23. Qualot Berry
24. Hondew Berry
25. Grepa Berry
26. Tamato Berry
27. Cornn Berry
28. Magost Berry
29. Rabuta Berry
30. Nomel Berry
31. Spelon Berry
32. Pamtre Berry
33. Watmel Berry
34. Durin Berry
35. Belue Berry
36. Liechi Berry
37. Ganlon Berry
38. Salac Berry
39. Petaya Berry
40. Apicot Berry
41. Lansat Berry
42. Starf Berry
43. Enigma Berry
1. Cheri Berry
2. Chesto Berry
3. Pecha Berry
4. Rawst Berry
5. Aspear Berry
6. Leppa Berry
7. Oran Berry
8. Persim Berry
9. Lum Berry
10. Sitrus Berry
11. Figy Berry
12. Wiki Berry
13. Mago Berry
14. Aguav Berry
15. Iapapa Berry
16. Razz Berry
17. Bluk Berry
18. Nanab Berry
19. Wepear Berry
20. Pinap Berry
21. Pomeg Berry
22. Kelpsy Berry
23. Qualot Berry
24. Hondew Berry
25. Grepa Berry
26. Tamato Berry
27. Cornn Berry
28. Magost Berry
29. Rabuta Berry
30. Nomel Berry
31. Spelon Berry
32. Pamtre Berry
33. Watmel Berry
34. Durin Berry
35. Belue Berry
36. Liechi Berry
37. Ganlon Berry
38. Salac Berry
39. Petaya Berry
40. Apicot Berry
41. Lansat Berry
42. Starf Berry
43. Enigma Berry
Battle in a Friend's Secret Base
Once you link up at Pokemon Record Corner, your friend's Secret Base will appear in your game. Once you enter the Hall of Fame, find the Base, and you'll be able to fight your friend there.
Battle Tower Prizes
Complete tasks in the Battle Tower to earn the following prizes:
1-5 Victories:
6 or more Victories:
Bright Powder
Choice Band
Focus Band
King's Rock
Mental Herb
Quick Claw
Scope Lens
White Herb
50 Victories in a row:
Award Ribbon
Silver Shield
100 Victories in a row:Gold Shield
1-5 Victories:
6 or more Victories:
Bright Powder
Choice Band
Focus Band
King's Rock
Mental Herb
Quick Claw
Scope Lens
White Herb
50 Victories in a row:
Award Ribbon
Silver Shield
100 Victories in a row:Gold Shield
HM Locations
HM#1--Cut: You get Cut at cutter's house in Rustborro.
HM#2--Fly: You get Fly From May after beating Team Aqua at the weather plant.
HM#3--Surf: You get Surf from Wally's parenet's house next to your dad's Gym after you beat your dad.
HM#4--Strenth: You get Strength after you break one of the rocks seperating the couples in the cave to the right of Rustborro.
HM#5--Flash: You get Flash from the first guy you see in the cave next to Dewford.
HM#6--Rock Smash: Get Rock Smash in the house on the right side of Mauville as soon as you enter from the bottom of Mauville.
HM#7--Waterfall: You get Waterfall fro wallace after you beat him.
HM#8--Dive: You get Dive at Steven's house in the top left corner of Mossdeep.
HM#2--Fly: You get Fly From May after beating Team Aqua at the weather plant.
HM#3--Surf: You get Surf from Wally's parenet's house next to your dad's Gym after you beat your dad.
HM#4--Strenth: You get Strength after you break one of the rocks seperating the couples in the cave to the right of Rustborro.
HM#5--Flash: You get Flash from the first guy you see in the cave next to Dewford.
HM#6--Rock Smash: Get Rock Smash in the house on the right side of Mauville as soon as you enter from the bottom of Mauville.
HM#7--Waterfall: You get Waterfall fro wallace after you beat him.
HM#8--Dive: You get Dive at Steven's house in the top left corner of Mossdeep.
Ruby Exclusive Pokemon
The following pokemon are not found in Sapphire and must be traded from the Ruby version:
how to get wigglytuff
its easy you will need
a moon stone
a pokemon that knows surf
10 great balls
first. go to rustboro city then you will see a beach then surf down it until you find an island keep surfing until you find another island go on the island than go untill you see a small patch of grass look around for a minute then you will find jigglypuff catch it use the moon stone on it then you will have wigglytuff

where to find corphish
you can find corphish in ponds in route 102 and 117
you need a super rod
5 net balls
go to one of those routes and you will find corphish.
you need a super rod
5 net balls
go to one of those routes and you will find corphish.
manually share exp points
first you put the pokemon you want leveled up in the lead position.
second get in a battle whenever your weak pokemon is out dont battle yet switch to a stronger pokemon when you win the battle your weak pokemon will have gained exp points
second get in a battle whenever your weak pokemon is out dont battle yet switch to a stronger pokemon when you win the battle your weak pokemon will have gained exp points
pokemon you can only get by trading
here are the pokemon that you can only get by trading
1.kadabra ---} alakazam
2.graveler ---} golem
3.machoke ---} machamp
4.clamperl ---} huntail (holding a deep sea tooth)
5.clamperl ---} gorebyss (holding a deep sea scale)
6.seadra ---} kingdra
1.kadabra ---} alakazam
2.graveler ---} golem
3.machoke ---} machamp
4.clamperl ---} huntail (holding a deep sea tooth)
5.clamperl ---} gorebyss (holding a deep sea scale)
6.seadra ---} kingdra
the easy way to get corsala
ok everybody knows that you can trade bellossom at pacifidlog town for corsala but i found an easy way to get it without trading. here are the items you need
5 net balls
a super rod
a pokemon that knows surf and waterfall
first. you fly to ever grande city and go down the waterfall and use the super rod and corsala will apaear.

where to find beldum
where to find bagon
here is what you will need.
10 great balls
a pokemon that knows surf and waterfall
first. go to meteor falls go through a bunch of stuff then at the end of meteor falls you find tm dragon claw now all you have to do is look around for a second then bagon will apear catch it then go to tm dragon claw and teach it to bagon. i have a lv. 100 salamence

how to catch relicanth
here are the items you will need.
20 dive balls
a pokemon that knows dive and surf
first go to sootopolis city next surf in the water then go underwater there will be some grass underwater look around for a long time then you will find relicanth.(a rare pokemon)

where to find snorunt
first you need 20 ultra balls then you go to shoal shell cave you can get him at noon at 5.00.
second you need a pokemon that knows strength you go down through a bunch of tunnels then you will find a room made of ice look around for a while and you will find snorunt he evolves at level 40 into glalie


second you need a pokemon that knows strength you go down through a bunch of tunnels then you will find a room made of ice look around for a while and you will find snorunt he evolves at level 40 into glalie


how to catch latias
first. you have to have beaten the elite four. here are the items you will need.
10 revives
50 great balls
50 timer balls
second.go to lilycove city go into poeple's houses for a tv. one will say someone saw latias on route 121 go to route 121 look around and you will find latias

Sunday, November 29, 2009
how to get to sky pillar and get rayquaza!!!
first. you have to beat the elite four. here are the items you will need.
a mach bike
25 timer balls
25 ultra balls
10 max revives
a pokemon that knows hypnosis can find sky pillar along route 131 right next to pacifidlog town. once you find it you have to use the mach bike to get across cracked parts in the floor.
third once you get to rayquaza save your game right in front of him that way if you kill him on accident just turn off the game turn it back on then you will be at rayquaza.

how to get chimecho
first you have to go to mt. pyre up at the top. close to where you get the blue orb there is a little path that you can go down.
second go through the path until you see a patch of grass look around for a while untill you find chimecho.
second go through the path until you see a patch of grass look around for a while untill you find chimecho.
the desert with lileep and anorith
first. you go into the desert on route 111 you have to get the go-goggles you can get them in lavaridge town after beating the gym leader.
second. you then go to the desert in the top right corner there will be two fossils a root fossil and a claw fossil. i picked the root fossil and now i have a Lv 77 cradilly
third. take the fossil to rustboro city then you go into the devon corporation go into the room with a bunch of scientist in it talk to the scientist in the bottom right corner talk to him and he will ask if you want to bring that fossil back to life press yes then he will take it
fourth.make shure that you have an extra space in your party. go outside walk around for 30 sec go back and he will give you your pokemon
if you got the claw fossil you got anorith. .if you got the root fossil you got lileep
where to get nosepass
you have to have a pokemon that knows rocksmash and strength you go into granite cave smash some rocks and nosepass should appear. (it might take a while)
where to find jirachi
okay i know how to find him but he is not obtainable you have to have a wish tag (which i have no idea how to get) then you go to mossdeep city go to the white rock talk to it then jirachi appears.

your rival wally
you have a rival named wally when you go to the petalburg city when you go into the gym you chat with your dad for a second and then wally comes up asking for help to catch a pokemon
then you follow him then he looks in the grass then he finds a ralts
then you follow him then he looks in the grass then he finds a ralts
roxanne the gym leader
the first gym leader is roxanne she is a rock type trainer she has
so you can kill her easily with mudkip as a starter.
so you can kill her easily with mudkip as a starter.
how to get a shedinja
first you catch a nincada on route 116 make shure you have a pokeball and an extra slot
second you give nincada the pokeball then raise it to level 20 when it evolves into ninjask check your empty space and you will have shedinja!
second you give nincada the pokeball then raise it to level 20 when it evolves into ninjask check your empty space and you will have shedinja!

how to catch ralts go to the pokemart in oldale town and buy 3 pokeballs.
second. you go to petalburg then enter route 102 then you will see two patches of grass keep going until you see another patch of grass.
third.look it takes a while to find him so dont get mad.
second. you go to petalburg then enter route 102 then you will see two patches of grass keep going until you see another patch of grass.
third.look it takes a while to find him so dont get mad.

welcome to pokemon sapphire tips
here on my blog i will have all of the tips and secrets to the game pokemon sapphire so feel free to look around.
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